Friday, October 26, 2018

Phrase of the Day: YOU ARE SAFE NOW

Today, a young man who was killed simply for being gay was laid to rest today.  His name is known around the world ... Matthew Shepard.  He was murdered on October 12, 1998, in Colorado, left to die, tied to a fence. 

You may ask why it has been two decades since his murder that his remains are finally being laid to rest.  Quite simply, his parents, Dennis and Judy Shepard, were unable to find a final resting place that was safe enough or suitable enough. 

He was laid to rest today at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

Below, is a video of the entire interment service held earlier today.  The sermon is delivered by The Right Reverend Gene Robinson, who is the retired bishop of the state of New Hampshire.  He was also the first openly gay bishop in the U.S. Episcopal Church.


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