Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Phrase of the Day: FROM FIRST TO THIRD

I want to begin today by mentioning my post from almost a week ago.  I had posted a cell phone video from inside a classroom showing scared students and the loud sound of gunfire at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.  It was the one that had initially been shown most often on television.  I finally removed the video box altogether because the video kept getting taken down on YouTube.  Videos of the killings of Eric Garner and Tamir Rice stay up on YouTube.  Videos from police body cams and patrons' cell phones still remain up from the Pulse night club shooting.  The school camera videos of the Columbine High School shooting from 1999 can still be found.  Leave the Parkland videos up because America needs to see this carnage for what it is.

The video below is from the Washington Post, so this likely won't get deleted.  Here is what it was like inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School exactly one week ago today.

An uprising has occurred this time ... and this time, the students are rising up.  These students have had enough and are doing something about it.  Watch this video of Stoneman Douglas student Emma Gonzalez at a protest four days ago.

Just two days, another protest took place.  This one was in Washington, D.C., right outside the White House.  It was called a "lie-in", a silent protest in solidarity with the Florida students.

Today, one week to the day after the mass shooting, busloads of students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School will be arriving today in Tallahassee, the state capital of Florida, to ask politicians to ban assault weapons.

Yesterday, however, there was a vote in the Florida House of Representatives on whether or not to take up the issue of banning assault weapons.  Even with some of the students, who arrived in Tallahassee early, in the gallery, the Florida House voted down a motion to take up a ban on assault weapons by a nearly 2 to 1 margin!
Stoneman Douglas High School students reacting to House vote 
©2018  Troy Kinsey / Spectrum News 13

Now, allow me to shift gears for a moment.  Think of a war-torn country.  Any war-torn country.  Think of the images or videos you may have seen on television, on the Internet, or in print.  Scary, isn't it?  Just imagine living in one of those countries.  Hard to do so, isn't it?  Imagine being afraid to even leave your home, to even set foot out your front door, for fear of being killed. 

Here in America, we have certain neighborhoods scattered about this country where many people do live like that ... maybe I'll go out my front door and come back in, maybe I won't.  What groups like the National Rifle Association and various other gun lobbies, gun manufacturers, and many politicians want is to make all of America like a war-torn country.  Words like It just shouldn't be that way when all of us are afraid to go out our front doors and offering Our thoughts and prayers and having moments of silence when people don't make it back inside their homes while they do nothing is just fine to them.  How can I say it is just fine to them?  Because they keep doing it year after year after year after year.  If they were not fine with it, they would stop doing it.

You may argue that that sentiment is really harsh.  Yes, it is because the reality is harsh.  If groups like the NRA simply did not exist and if politicians were not obsessed with getting re-elected so they become those groups' slaves, then, yes, the reality is that harsh. 

To the youth of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, I say GO FORTH AND FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT!!!!  But you will need the resolve of a million armies to stand up to these heartless, evil people!  Pro-mass murder people in the media are already smearing these young warriors.  They, too, are in full agreement with the triad of terror (NRA/gun lobbies, gun manufacturers, Congress).

To them, your lives, as well as all of our lives, are nothing more than the wretched refuse of turning America from a "first world" country into a third world country just for their benefit.



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