Sunday, January 24, 2016

Phrase of the Day: BLIZZARD OF 2016

We here on the Mid-Atlantic/eastern coast of the U.S., have had our first a-lot-of-snow-in-one-shot storm of this Winter.  The sun is out, bright and sunny today, but the after-effects are still present.  The Blizzard of 2016/Winter Storm Jonas, however, did not just affect the east coast; the effects were felt as far north as Massachusetts, as far south as North and South Carolina, and as far west as Kansas and Tennessee.
Just an idea of the breadth of the storm.
Much of the snow totals are higher than the predictions shown above.

The following two reports give you a good idea of this storm, from a 35-mile traffic backup in Kansas to a traffic ban in New York City where, in a rare occurrence, pedestrians were far more prevalent than vehicles.

Where I live was lucky with just over a foot of snow.  You might not consider that lucky, and I am not looking forward to shoveling at all, but I consider myself lucky when looking how bad other areas were hit.


1 comment:

Bridget A Martin said...

My people were slammed with 29" in north Jersey, we in Nashville were luckier with only 7" or so. Now comes the dig out. Schools still closed even today, 3 days later. Unheard of!