Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Term of the Day: INNER BULLY

A good friend of mine has recently published two books and I would like to tell you about them.  First, allow me to tell you a little about my friend.
My friend is Dr. Sidney Rosen, Ph.D.  He is a psychologist who has been in private practice for thirty years, who works in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.  He sees his work with his patients in terms of building up (i.e. courage, self-worth), cutting down (i.e. self-sabotaging behaviors), and fulfillment (i.e. giving yourself permission to feel good, self-forgiveness).  He says the stereotypical view of seeing a psychiatrist, of being a weak or abnormal person, should be seen as what he calls "self-respecting hard work".

In this book, Sidney deals with the issue referred to as the "inner bully" -- what is inside of you that makes you sabotage almost anything positive (i.e. positive thoughts, pursuing and attaining goals, healthy relationships).  This inner bully is a series of self-sabotaging thoughts, not just a one-time visit.  Please click on and listen to the audio clip below in which Sidney talks about this book.
Sidney recently appeared on the Power Your Life television program hosted by Dr. Jo Anne White to discuss his book:

In this book, Sidney deals with what can be called a weight loss inner bully.  He delves into ways we find ourselves keeping ourselves from reaching the goal of losing weight.  He notes that the book is not written to be a distinct, incorporated weight loss plan.  Rather, it is more of a textual supplement to any existing diet program you may be currently using or considering using.  The audio clip below is Sidney introducing his book to you.

Dr. Sidney Rosen knows his stuff, and I highly recommend his books.  The books may be ordered through Amazon.com by clicking on the titles of the books above the pictures of their covers.  Sidney's
website will give you more information about him and his practice.


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